

Delivering engaging and wildly entertaining workshops and courageous conversations with relevant content supporting industry organizations, companies, not for profits, and educational institutions.  Clients include:

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“Elizabeth was a great workshop facilitator! She was clearly very knowledgeable on the topic and provided data to back up all claims. She did a great job creating an environment that encouraged participation in a room full of people who might not normally be inclined to participate in a large group activity!” ~ Workshop participant, Grant Professionals Association 

Upcoming Workshops

Date: Friday, February 12th

Time: 12:15 PM CST

Location: Virtual

Fee: $45

Resume Workshop: Sales & Business Development Professionals

(Limited to six participants, to ensure individualized instruction)

What you will walk away with:

A compelling document to capture the attention of executives and recruiters 

The list of key words and phrases to get through the Applicant Tracking System

Tools to quantify your successes

Additional Workshops & Courageous Conversations

I can deliver these as a presenter to a large audience or as a facilitator in an intimate venue sharing conversations over a glass of wine with your colleagues.

Getting Your Voice Heard

What you will walk away with:

Tips and tools for quietly taking over the world

Leveraging and commanding meeting dynamics

Skills to identify and mitigate toxic environments

Practice, Practice, Practice 
Interview Tips

What you will walk away with:

Recognition of 6 basic interview questions and a simple tool for framing responses

Knowledge of the various and numerous interview scenarios

Constructive feedback

Resume Workshop: Sales & Business Development Professionals

What you will walk away with:

A compelling document to capture the attention of executives and recruiters 

The list of key words and phrases to get through the Applicant Tracking System

Tools to quantify your successes

Ambitious Career Transitions

What you will walk away with:

An established networking foundation and networking approach

Scripts for reaching out and conducting valuable interviews

A process for identifying your transferrable skills


Launching Your Adult Child
…(launching them off the couch)

Best as a Courageous Conversation 
over a glass of wine….

Did you know 28% of recent graduates are living at home, with a much higher number if you count the “almost graduates” living in your basement. Another astounding statistic is that 30% of college freshman do not return for their sophomore year. So how can we help our adult children set realistic yet alluring goals? Is it Tough Love, Mindfulness, or some other secret syrup?

Amazing Women Workshop:
 Re-Entering the Workforce

What you walk away with…

A personalized customized networking approach

A process for identifying your transferrable skills

Optimism to fuel your career

Networking for Introverts

What you walk away with…

Knowing the superpowers of introvert networking

A unique value statement emphasizing your strengths

Scripts to send future networking partners

Your Elevator Pitch!

What you walk away with…

Key “must have” elements for your elevator pitch

Your first draft for a 60 second elevator pitch

Strategies for collaborating and honing your pitch

“Elizabeth was a great workshop facilitator! She was clearly very knowledgeable on the topic and provided data to back up all claims. She did a great job creating an environment that encouraged participation in a room full of people who might not normally be inclined to participate in a large group activity!” ~ Workshop participant, Grant Professionals Association 

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