Coaching Services


“I cannot recommend Elizabeth enough! Elizabeth is kind, empathetic, and a complete joy to work with. I looked forward to meeting with her every week as her encouragement and support of me brightened my day each time we talked. Elizabeth is an amazing career coach and helped me immensely while I was looking for a job. I will never be able to thank Elizabeth enough for the encouragement, confidence, and support she gave me during the stressful time of looking for a new job! Elizabeth makes looking for a new job feel like an exciting opportunity rather than a burden. I would absolutely recommend Elizabeth to anyone looking for a job or looking to find their next life step! Thank you Elizabeth!” ~Rebecca L., PR Account Exec, ChicExecs Retail Marketing Agency

Career Exploration

Not sure where to begin or not fulfilled in your current career? We kick off our engagement with an intake interview and surveys where we will identify your strengths, define your intellectual requirements, and explore your lifestyle and career goals. What follows are one-on-one sessions where we target desirable positions and industries that match your objectives.

Targeted Career Search

You are confident knowing your next move, maybe it’s a career pivot, an internal promotion, or career advancement with a new company. We will work together to create a comprehensive job search strategy incorporating both online and in person networking and culminating in the application process. We will set up a tactical search plan and timeline with straightforward and measurable tasks.

Many clients at this point also benefit from using our resume services to craft compelling resumes and update their LinkedIn profiles. 


Interview & Negotiation Prep

Is the interview process new to you or are you lacking confidence and skill in selling yourself to potential employers? Or maybe you need help negotiating a competitive salary and benefits package or asking for that raise? In a competitive job market, we can help you have the leverage. Through defining your strategy, and interview preparation and negotiation practice, you can achieve your next move with confidence. Numerous clients have landed their dream job by partnering with us using techniques and strategies specifically tailored to their individual style and strengths.

Crucial Conversations

In your professional career, there will be many times when you need to have workplace conversations to discuss goals, promotion requests, performance reviews, toxic work environments, performance improvement plans, and resignations. We can help prepare you, no matter which side of the table you are sitting. Our guidance will give you the skills and confidence to have productive conversations.


You have a plan in place for your career search, but now you need to maintain focus and motivation. Everyone gets off track once in a while and in order to make your goals a priority, we provide accountability and give you access to customized career search advice. We will provide support and guidance through weekly check-ins along with monthly coaching sessions to leverage successes and breakdown any hurdles. 

“I cannot recommend Elizabeth enough! Elizabeth is kind, empathetic, and a complete joy to work with. I looked forward to meeting with her every week as her encouragement and support of me brightened my day each time we talked. Elizabeth is an amazing career coach and helped me immensely while I was looking for a job. I will never be able to thank Elizabeth enough for the encouragement, confidence, and support she gave me during the stressful time of looking for a new job! Elizabeth makes looking for a new job feel like an exciting opportunity rather than a burden. I would absolutely recommend Elizabeth to anyone looking for a job or looking to find their next life step! Thank you Elizabeth!” ~Rebecca L., PR Account Exec, ChicExecs Retail Marketing Agency

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